Harrison Hot Springs, BC – Canada September 16-20, 2019 This is an amazing place to race and such a nice little town. “If you only do one event in 2019 make this the event“. This event is hosted by the Division 4 and more information could be found on Facebook Download the NoR Check the…
Hobie Cat is still making Hobie 14’s and you have a chance to get your own one. – North American Hobie 14 dates are March 26-28 2019 at Clearwater Beach Florida. – MWE (Mid Winters East) on March 29-31 2019 at Clearwater Beach Florida. – The Alter Cup would be on the Hobie Cat 14…
Hobie MWE/N will be running concurrently with the Hobie 17 North American Championship at OSYC April 6-8. H17 NAC runs 4 days (April 5-8). MWE/N runs 3 days (April 6-8). For info, NOR, registration for H17 NAC go to: http://www.regattanetwork.com/event/16018 For info, NOR, registration for MWE/N go to: http://www.regattanetwork.com/event/15909 We look forward to seeing you…
Day 1 of the warm up The 2016 Hobie 16 & Hobie 18 North American Championships warm up regatta (aka the Pinata Regatta). Three races today in about 5 knots of wind. There were a few wind shifts and those who correctly called the shifts did well. No pressure increase with the shifts just direction…
Who are the teams to watch? With the first race scheduled for the 10th October here are two teams from the Hobie® 16 & 18 fleet to watch. Who will you be following? Hobie® 16 Francisco Figueroa/Jolliam Berrios I started sailing Hobies when I was 14 on an 18′ but quickly changed to the 16. In…