23rd Hobie 16 World Championship accommodation booking is now open. The 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships accommodation at the host resort, Camping Bungalow Resort & Spa La Ballena Alegre Costa Brava is now available to be booked at the 23rd Hobie Worlds website. The Hobie Company and the event host have proceeded with the roll-out…
In November, we released the Notice of Race, and now entry to the 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships is now open to all disciplines with the exception of the prequalified, which will open on the 23rd December 2021. The prequalified entries will open at a later date as we are waiting for some of the regions…
Rule 50.1 (c) of the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), which govern our rules in racing, are as of 1 January 2023 requiring all trapeze harnesses to be of the quick release (QR) variety complying with ISO 10862. This is unless the class rules permit a trapeze harness that is not QR trapeze harnesses variety.It…
The Hobie 18 & 20 North American Championships will be hosted by the Windycrest Sailing Club & Tulsa Hobie Fleet 25 at Keystone Lake, Oklahoma. Registration: On-Site: MON: 8:00 AM 11:00 AM Races: Mon: Competitors Meeting 11:00 AM First Start 12:00 PM Meals: Thursday Night Dinner Coffee and Rolls each morning Other Meals TBD Facilities:…
Hobie MultiEuropeans Series 1, Day 4 and final day of racing for the 1st series at the Camping La Ballena Alegre. Hobie MultiEuropeans Series 1, Day 4 at the Camping La Ballena Alegre. What a wonderful way to conclude the first series of the Hobie MultiEuropeans. We had two races for all the classes to…
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. September is here and while it’s still unpleasantly hot out, the end of the sailing season is not far off now for me. Our sailing season wraps up in early October and cooler weather will be…
The Hobie 17 North American Championships this year are being held at Washington Park Beach, Michigan City, Indiana (on Lake Michigan), Hobie Fleet 126. While most people associate Hobie sailing in the ocean Lake Michigan offers sandy beaches and surfing waves. So, this group of Hobie sailors feels right at home. Even the best plans…
Dear Hobie Sailors, The IHCA Rules Committee requests that you review and vote accordingly with the changes they have recommended. To give some background into why the IHCA Rules Committee has submitted the rule change for comment and approval. The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) which govern our rules in racing has a minimum weight…
Recently the IHCA become aware that some trapeze harnesses, including the popular Zhik T3 are above the required weight in RRS 50.1(b). As the we have some major events taking place we don’t have the time to do a full sailor review to change our Class Rules. The IHCA in consultation with World Sailing have…
For many it is a daunting task to enter your first Hobie Regatta. I don’t anything about racing. I don’t know any of the rules. I don’t know how to enter. In fact I don’t even know where to find my nearest Hobie Regatta. In this episode of Talking Hobie Rich, Mark and Sheila discuss,…